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Audit and Assurance Services

J CPA is a licensed Practising Certified Public Accountant (CPA) under the Chapter 50 Professional Accountants Ordinance of Hong Kong. J CPA undertakes audit and assurance assignments on behalf of local and international clients in accordance with the approved accounting and auditing standards as set by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and International Accounting Authorities.

Our Audit Service

Statutory audit service

Specific assurance services

Other non-assurance services

Limited company audit is also known as audit or assurance.

Pursuant to Chapter 662 the Companies Ordinance, every director of a Hong Kong limited company must prepare financial statements annually and have audited by practising certified public accountant / auditors.

Pursuant to Chapter 122 the Audit Ordinance, audit work must be carried out by practising certified public accountants / auditors.

Audit and assurance services for limited companies must be based on accounting standards (HKFRS, IFRS, SME-FRS…) to ensure that the audit report is true and fair / true and correct. And the financial information can reflect the company’s financial status truthfully with independent and professional opinions.

J CPA professional audit firm is a licensed Hong Kong Practising Certified Public Accountant firm which provides accounting, auditing and tax services.

Audit report, with extensive functionality:

  1. Tax reporting at the tax authority
  2. Bank borrowing / loan
  3. Government assistance / subsidy
  4. Non-profit organizations assistance / subsidy
  5. Merger and acquisition / Buy and sell contract
  6. Government stamp duty
  7. Others

A quality audit report can have better functions:

  1. Management analysis and decision-making
  2. Shareholder understanding and confidence
  3. Company transparency
  4. Company long-term development
  5. Others

The audit service fee is vary depending on the nature of the company’s business nature, operating model and reporting functions, together with the customer service quality of the accountant team / auditor team.

J CPA team not only provides accounting, auditing and tax reporting, but also further provides evaluation and analysis, enhancement plans, improvement plans, feasible suggestions and loss prevention.

J CPA team is led by certified public accountants / auditors with various scopes and experiences. Moreover, our rich auditing experience further enhances the auditing related and others professional service quality.